About Jonny

Understand If I Am The Right Therapist For You
Understand If I Am The Right Therapist For You
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What does it mean?
Integrative Hypnotherapy
I am an integrative Hypnotherapist, which means that I integrate a number of different approaches with Hypnotherapy. I have the experience and flexibility to tailor my approach and interventions to meet your needs, helping you to fulfil your goals for therapy.

This approach addresses the fundamental foundation of therapy – a therapeutic relationship that is safe, genuine, empathic, unconditionally positive and client-led. It cannot be underestimated how important this is to the success of all other approaches and interventions
Exposure therapy and cognitive restructuring
These are subsets of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). Safe and managed exposure to troubling emotions restructures clients’ limiting beliefs. This can bring about a state of long-awaited equilibrium
Existential therapy
Similarly to mindfulness and exposure therapy, fear, or angst (about existence) is leant into. In transpersonal therapy, fear is not something to be overcome, but to respond to as a motivation for living purposefully and significantly, instead of being reacted to with desperation
Mindfulness can promote a simple awareness of and presence with an emotional experience, without judgement, or previous meaning-making. This helps to bring about relief through acceptance, making space for emotions to regulate themselves
Hypnosis is a therapeutic tool that can be applied to diverse clinical profiles of clients in helping them overcome obsessive fears of death. Hypnotherapy grants clients access to deeply underlying subconscious fears that may otherwise remain hidden.
Transpersonal therapy
Transpersonal therapy focuses on the importance of transcending the self and exploring personal and spiritual meaning in order to change your relationship with life. In terms of meaningfulness, transpersonal therapy overlaps with existential therapy. In terms of self-transcendence it overlaps with mindfulness.
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Qualifications and Accreditations
I qualified with a diploma in Hypnotherapy in 2004 and have been practicing since then. Along the way I have underpinned my skills with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) qualifications to the level of Advanced Master Practitioner. In 2011 I gained a master’s degree in Psychology, where I undertook research into the emotional exhaustion of Special Educational Needs Coordinators.
I am currently training to qualify as a Hypno-Psychotherapist and gain full clinical UKCP membership, enriching my expertise with many more tried and tested approaches.
I am currently training to qualify as a Hypno-Psychotherapist and gain full clinical UKCP membership, enriching my expertise with many more tried and tested approaches.

What Are The Formative Experiences Behind Jonny The Therapist?

I’ve been a Hypnotherapist since 2004. I’m currently based in Italy, working online with clients in the UK. Looking back it is clear to see how I arrived at hypnotherapy. I am naturally high in openness to experience, agreeableness and extraversion and low in conscientiousness and neuroticism (Big 5 Personality Test).
I have always been fascinated by perception, what makes people tick and which levers to pull, to help people to help themselves. In confronting difficult truths about being bullied in childhood, I realised that other people’s perception of me reflects my own self-perception. It isn’t that my bullying was my fault, but it was my responsibility and within my power to transform. I let go of blame and worked to alter my self-perception. Astonishingly to me at the time, people started to treat me differently. I became respected by myself and then by my peers. My talents for lateral thinking and empathy became recognised, I grew in confidence and self-value. I began to flourish.
My Hypnotherapy training and experience began in 2003 with a diploma in hypnotherapy, from which I graduated in 2004 and immediately started working with hypnotherapy clients. This practical experience, I realised, is the best training I could ever have. I am grateful to all those clients who I worked with in the early days, before I truly understood how I was able to help people so significantly. This cemented the fact to me that I had found my calling.
I wanted to work therapeutically with people as much as possible, but I also wanted to continue to develop and grow in my offering. Education, for the first time, became something I deeply enjoyed. I put this development into action initially though engaging in practitioner, master practitioner and advanced master practitioner trainings in NLP, a masters degree in psychology and currently, an advanced diploma in Hypno-Psychotherapy. This latter qualification, along with my hypnotherapy diploma and masters degree will form the basis for accreditation and registration with the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP), the highest standard in UK therapy.
I have always been fascinated by perception, what makes people tick and which levers to pull, to help people to help themselves. In confronting difficult truths about being bullied in childhood, I realised that other people’s perception of me reflects my own self-perception. It isn’t that my bullying was my fault, but it was my responsibility and within my power to transform. I let go of blame and worked to alter my self-perception. Astonishingly to me at the time, people started to treat me differently. I became respected by myself and then by my peers. My talents for lateral thinking and empathy became recognised, I grew in confidence and self-value. I began to flourish.
My Hypnotherapy training and experience began in 2003 with a diploma in hypnotherapy, from which I graduated in 2004 and immediately started working with hypnotherapy clients. This practical experience, I realised, is the best training I could ever have. I am grateful to all those clients who I worked with in the early days, before I truly understood how I was able to help people so significantly. This cemented the fact to me that I had found my calling.
I wanted to work therapeutically with people as much as possible, but I also wanted to continue to develop and grow in my offering. Education, for the first time, became something I deeply enjoyed. I put this development into action initially though engaging in practitioner, master practitioner and advanced master practitioner trainings in NLP, a masters degree in psychology and currently, an advanced diploma in Hypno-Psychotherapy. This latter qualification, along with my hypnotherapy diploma and masters degree will form the basis for accreditation and registration with the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP), the highest standard in UK therapy.
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